HYMN 833

C.M (FE 870)

1.  BESTIAL beings in the forest dwell 

     Thus are created of God

     Of rare specie the lion is 

     Crowned as King of the lot.

2.  Image of God and His likeness 

     Men are created of God

     In obedience and of good works 

     Unto one and to all.

3.  Like true children of St. Mary 

     Be of good cheers and chaste 

     In unalloy‘d love like the Lord 

     Christ Jesus Son of God.

4.  Be gentle and true as the sheep 

     Embraced by one and all

     By men and the Almighty God 

     As unto adult grows.

5.  Ever the Lord reigneth as King 

     On sacred throne above

     Watching over all His children 

     Loved, and under His seal.  Amen

Yoruba »

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