HYMN 729

PM (FE 755)
“For we wrestle not against flesh
and blood, but against principalities 
and against Spiritual wickedness 
in high places” - Eph. 6:12

1.  STAND up army of Salvation 

     Praise the name of Christ Jesus 

     For the Great day witnessed today 

     Is for Michael our Captain.

Chorus: Holy Michael our Captain 

              Holy Michael our Captain

              Guide us to the end of our life 

              Conquer Lucifer for us.

2.  We are grateful Michael is ours 

     In the Band of Seraphim

     No war with Salvation army

     Michael will o‘er come them all. 

Chorus: Holy Michael...

3.  War in heaven with the Angels 

     The heavens and earth tremble

     There is great fear‘ midst all the world

     Michael struck Satan with sword. 

Chorus: Holy Michael...

4.  Sounding voice from heaven above 

     Woe betide the world below

     Satan is cast unto the earth

     All the elect shall be saved.

Chorus: Holy Michael...

5.  Band of Cherub be not afraid 

     Holy Michael's our captain

     Wizard Witches have no effect

     On Holy Band Seraphim.

Chorus: Holy Michael...

6.  Jesus Holy Son of Father

     Glory to Thy Sacred name 

     Michael has conquered the Satan 

     All satanic host vanquish'd.

Chorus: Holy Michael...

7.  When the home call trumpet is sound 

     We plead Thee Jehovah God

     May we not by Satan destroy’d 

     Glorious crown may we receive.

Chorus: Holy Michael our Captain 

              Holy Michael our Captain

              Guide us to the end of our life 

              Conquer Lucifer for us.  Amen

Yoruba »

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