HYMN 710

Tune: D 6s

1.  GLORY praise and honour 

     Unto Jesus our Lord

     For keeping us alive 

     And to witness this day

     Our hearts are fill’d with joy 

     For His great privilege

     And to labour for Thee 

     In Thy vineyard on earth.

2.  We thank Thee for guidance 

     And the pow‘r of Spirit 

     And the gift of great love 

    That binds us together

    O Jesus, our Shepherd 

    Accept our praises now 

    For Thy Compassion sake 

    Unite us for ever.

3.  Bless us heav'nly Father 

     On this our harvest day 

     Send Thy sign unto us

     To have joy in Thy praise 

     Let us be successful

     Lord in our daily task 

     Let‘s put our trust in Thee 

     Forever and ever.

4.  O Lord our Creator

     Fountain of Salvation
     Make us worthy O Lord

     In Thy heavenly home

     At the end of our lives

    In this world of misery

    That we may have it place

    In Thy Kingdom, O Lord.  Amen

Yoruba »

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