HYMN 694

H.C 389 D. 7s (FE 719)
Tune: D 7s  Elese e yipada

1.  SOLEMNLY without a romp 

     Solemnly the sun doth rise

     When at sunrise doth emerge 

     Men the sky, the sun may gaze 

     Gently its gleams brighter raise 

     Gently, brighter grows in strength 

     Brighter, growing forth to peak 

     To the glory ne'er to gaze.

2.  Darkness with o’erwhelming might 

     Nay with sound worthy of note 

     Gentle moon and shinning stars 

     Beaming light upon the earth

     Nay with roaring sound doth come 

     Mighty drips of heav'nly dew

     All around the earth descend

     Nay with sound worthy of note.

3.  Mys-te-rious the deeds of God 

     Amidst the Seraphim fold 

     Though feeble and frail we be 

     And we descreseth in strength 

    But the providence of God 

    On us all day doth descend

    By the power and might of God 

    This abode doth accomplish.

4.  This day God our thanks we give 

     Members of Seraphim fold

     All the young and all the old 

     Male folks and the female folks 

     Host and visitors alike

     Our thanks we offer to Thee 

     In this sanctuary divine

     All our thanks Father receive.

5.  Father God, the Trinity

     Who art this fold established

     This house consecrate we plead

     By Thine power and sacred might 

     Descend Lord today we plead

     With Holy Spirit inspire

     Adopt us all, Thine to be

     Here on earth and there above.  Amen

Yoruba »

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