HYMN 635

C.M.S 475 H.C 411 2nd Ed. H.C 470 
6s, 8s (FE 661)
“Speak Lord, for Thy servant heareth"
- 1Sam. 3:9

1.  WHEN little Samuel woke

     And heard his master’s voice

     At ev'ry word he spoke 

     How much did he rejoice

     Oh, blessed happy child to find

     The God of heav’n so near and kind.

2.  If God would speak to me 

     And say He is my Friend

    How happy I should be 

    Oh how would I attend

    The smallest sin I then should fear 

    If God Almighty were so near.

3.  And does He never speak

     Oh, yes, for in his word

     He bids me come and seek 

     The God that Samuel heard

     In almost ev‘ry page I see

     The god of Samuel calls to me.

4.  And I breathe in His care 

     May safely rest my head

     I know that God is there

     To guard my humble bed 

     And every sin I well may fear 

     Since God Almighty is so-near.

5.  Like Samuel let me say

     When e'er I read Thy word

     Speak, Lord, I would obey

     The voice that l have heard

     And when I in Thy house appear

     Speak for Thy servant waits to hear.  Amen

Yoruba »

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