HYMN 609

C.M.S 73 H.C 65 2nd Ed 8.7.4 (FE 635)
"The hour is coming in which all that
are in grave shall hear his voice”
 - John 5:28

1.  DAY of judgement! Day of wonders 

     Hark, the trumpet’s awful sound 

     Lounder than a thousand thunder 

     Shakes the vast creation round

     How the summon, how the summons 

     Will the sinner’s heart confound!

2.  See the judge, our nature wearing

     Clothed in majesty divine

     Ye who love the Lord‘s appearing 

     Then shall say,This God is mine!

     Gracious Saviour, gracious Saviour 

     Own me on that day as thine.

3.  At this call the dead awaken 

     Rise to life from earth and sea

     All the pow’rs of nature, shaken 

     At this call prepare to flee 

    Careless sinner, careless sinner 

     What will then become of thee?

4.  The devil that deceives thee now 

     Listen thou not unto him

     When these riches shall pass away 

     It shall find thee in the fire

     My friend, think thou/2x

     Of thy place in burning hell.

5.  Under affliction and mockery

     Let this word thy counsel be

     The day of the Lord comes quickly 

     Then our tears will turn to joy

     We shall conquer, we shall conquer, 

     When the world by fire consumed.  Amen

Yoruba »

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