H.C 177 T.S 43 P.M (FE 74) 
Tune: Mokandinlogorun dubule je

1.  Come save us oh Lord

On the judgement day

That we may be acceptable 

Be of help to us

May we be accepted

By water of life provided.

Chorus:  Thine mercies we plead, hearken unto us 

Awaken the fainting heart from sin. 2ce

2.  Beam Thy divine light on us today Lord 

Enlighten the unsighted

By Christ Jesus' side, many rooms avail 

Yield no further excuse.

Chorus:  Thine mercies we plead...

3.  Ye Muslim and all ye pagans on earth

     Come hark ye this good tidings

     The day of reckoning is cometh nigh

     To render account of thine works.

Chorus:  Thine mercies we plead...

4.  Band of Cherubim and ye Seraphim

     Slack not but preach the Gospel

      As command in Isaiah Sixty

     The first and the second verse.

Chorus:  Thine mercies we plead...

5.  All ye spectators and onlookers

     Be ye not trapped in your sins

     Come to divine light, amidst Seraph Band

      That ye may be acceptable.

Chorus:  Thine mercies we plead...

6.  All ye righteous members of this fold

     Crown of glory thou shall gain

     Bohubiea Aleakutatabb

     We shall ne‘er go perishing.

Chorus:  Thine mercies we plead...

7.  All ye the barren. found in this fold

     Hold fimtly forth to thine faith

     That thou may be blessed with seeds

     like Samuel

     As the divine gift of God.

Chorus:  Thine mercies we plead...

8.  All ye the sreklings found in this fold

     Divine healing thou shall receive

     From Great Physician of Jerusalem

     Perfect healing thou shall receive.

Chorus:  Thine mercies we plead...

9.  All seekers of gainful employment

     Jehovah Jireh shall provide

     Gainful employment with satisfaction

     And thou shall be comforted.

Chorus:  Thine mercies we plead...

10.  Glory be In Holy Father above

       Glory be unto the Son

       And glory be unto Holy Spirit

       Holy Trinity eternal.

Chorus:  Thine mercies we plead...  Amen

Yoruba »

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