HYMN 525

C.M.S 336 H.C 328 t. H.C 
449 6. 7s (FE 550)
"Therefore brethren we are debtors"
 - Rom. 8:12

1.  WHEN this passing world is done 
     When has sunk you glaring sun

     When we stand with Christ on high

     Looking o’er life’s history 

     Then, Lord, shall I fully know 

     Not till then, how much I owe.

2.  When I stand before the throne 

     Dress‘d in beauty not my own 

     When I see Thee as Thou art 

     Love Thee with unsinning heart; 

     Then Lord, shall I fully know 

     Not till then, how much I owe.

3.  When the praise of heav‘n I hear 

     Loud as thunders to the ear

     Loud as many water‘s noise 

     Sweet as harps melodious voice 

     Then, Lord, shall I fully know 

     Not till then, how much I owe.

4.  Ev’n on eath, as though a glass 

     Darkly, let Thy glory pass

     Make forgiveness feel so sweet 

     Make Thy Spirit’s help so meet 

     Ev’n on earth, Lord, make me know 

     Something of how much I owe.

5.  Chosen not for good in me 

     Waken’d up from wrath to flee 

     Hidden in the Saviour’s side

     By the Spirit sanctified

     Teach me, Lord, on earth to show

     By my love, how much I owe.  Amen 

Yoruba »

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