HYMN 448

(FE 473)

1.  O ye the Band of Cherubim 

     Never fear nor timid

     We are the stewards of the Lord 

     We need not be afraid.

Chorus:  The world may mock, 

              Satan may rage 

              Liars are they, and all in vain.  2ce

2.  Oh! Ye the Band of Cherubim 

     Never ye shameful be  

     Almighty God sent us to work 

     Needless we be ashame.

Chorus:  The world may mock...

3.  Oh! ye Praying Band of our fold 

     With all your strength do pray 

     The pray’rs ye offer on the earth 

     All heared by Father God.

Chorus:  The world may mock...

4.  Oh! ye Band of the Bible Class 

     The Lord will strengthen thee

     To broaden thy knowledge of God 

     The Word, Light of the World.

Chorus:  The world may mock...

5.  Ye members of Chorister’s Band 

     Refine thine voices now
     Tis song that we shall rend above 

     No other job in heaven.

Chorus:  The world may mock...

6.  Glory, to Him the Trinity

     The FATHER and the Son

     And to the Holy Ghost we say 

     Amen so let it be.

Chorus:  The world may mock, 

              Satan may rage 

              Liars are they, and all in vain.

              The world may mock, 

              Satan may rage 

              Liars are they, and all in vain.  Amen

Yoruba »

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