"I was glad when they said unto me
let us go into the house of the Lord” 
- Ps. 122:1

1.  How sweet The word of God to hear 

     From the mouth of our friends

     That we should gather in Zion

     To keep the holy day.

2.  Its env‘rons and the gates I keep 

     The decorated house

     The house that we built for our God 

     Which His mercy, to show.

3.  The courtyard of the house of joy 

     Where holy tribes went forth

     On the throne, the son of David 

     ls judging matters there.

4.  He hears our praises and our cries 

     Like His tremendous voice

     That separate sinners to his doom 

     In tremble we rejoice.

5.  Let Thy blessing be in the place

     And joy of often time

     Let us give friends, and His goodness 

     To all that serves Him there.

6.  My Soul‘s now pleading for Zion 

     While I am still alive

     There all the relatives and friends 

     Our Saviour too is there.  Amen

Yoruba »

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