HYMN 162

O. t. H. C. 519. 7s 6s (FE 181)

1.  THOU Holy Spirit, come down 

     Reveal the things of heav‘n 

     May He bring light to the earth 

     Upon men everywhere

     That we who are in darkness 

     May have the light and see 

     Because Jesus Christ has died 

     He died for all mankind.

2.  Make me to know that I am

     A sinner, lost, indeed

    That I may put all my trust

    In Him my Saviour, Lord

    When I was washed by His blood 

    Away from all my sins

    That I may give the glory 

    To Thee, most Holy One.

3.  Grant that l have the longing 

     To go unto Jesus

     That He may reign in my heart 

     And sanctify my soul

     May heart and soul and body 

     Join together to serve

     Our great God the Holy One 

     The blessed Three in One.  Amen

Yoruba »

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