HYMN 817

O.t.H.C 264 8.7 (FE 853) 
Tune: Baba wa Orun Awa De

1.  HOLY Spirit, dead reviving

     We bow down before Thine throne 

     Stretch forth Thine hand of life on us 

     All we multitude renew

     Thou Son of Father incarnate 

     Prophet, priest and Saviour Lord.

Chorus: Saviour divine, Saviour divine 

              Saviour divine, save our souls.

2.  Band of Cherubim here on earth 

     Unite in one accord all

     Band of Seraphim here on earth 

     Work in love and one accord 

     Be of help to us as we work

     Lest we fail nor exhausted.

Chorus: Saviour divine...

3.  Work on in the name of Jesus 

     Discountenance the mockers

     Book of Matthew the tenth chapter 

     Read the verse of ten and six 

     Descend now in Thine Majesty 

     Amidst Band of Seraphim.

Chorus: Saviour divine...

4.  Fellowship with us in goodwill 

     With Thine Word enlighten us 

     Thine divine lamp on us beaming 

     Oil it for us Lord we plead

     When on us our foes are raging 

     Christ Jesus draw nigh to us.

Chorus: Saviour divine...

5.  When darkness shall pervade the sky 

     Terible things shall occur

     All the stars above shall wither

     Just like the torrential rain

     Be not weary, fervently pray 

     Yea, all ye my beloved.

Chorus: Saviour divine...

6.  When cometh the latter-day now 

     When parental bond sever

     Lest we be ashame Lord we plead 

     Save members of Seraphim 

     Inspire us Thine work to do

     That we may the truth pursue.

Chorus: Saviour divine...

7.  Glory give to Father above

     Glory unto His Son give 

     Give glory to Holy Spirit 

     Trinity we worship Thee 

     All our souls are thirsty for Thee 

     With divine manna us feed.

Chorus: Saviour divine, Saviour divine 

              Saviour divine, save our souls.  Amen

Yoruba »

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