HYMN 808

(FE 843)
Tune: Eyin Araye Gbo

1.  HARK all ye of the world 

     The latterday is drawn nigh

     Let us worship Christ Jesus now on

     Wisely let us build our mansion of 

     joy above there

    May we not regret in latterdays.

Chorus: Oh Lord make us fit, for paradise) 

              up in heaven) - 2ce

              Voice of commendations all may 

              we hark 

             That we may worship our God)

             high above) - 2ce

2.  To them all who hath ears

     Repent of thy sinfulness

     Be of good works to one and to all 

     When structure of the world, is 

     destroyed no remedy

     Be of penitent heart, the end is nigh.

Chorus: Oh Lord make us fit...

3.  From the mundane beware 

     ‘Cos there's no savour in it 

     Let our focus be in paradise 

     Vanity the portion, of any 

     mundane one here

     Let us worship Jesus, before our end.

Chorus: Oh Lord make us fit...

4.  Sacred being to earth come

     Make us fit and heaven bound

     Let us worship Thee as due oh Lord

     When earth shall cease to be, there

     shall be no remedy

     May we dwell with Thee in heaven we plead.

Chorus: Oh Lord make us fit, for paradise) 

              up in heaven) - 2ce

              Voice of commendations all may 

              we hark 

             That we may worship our God)

             high above) - 2ce  Amen

Yoruba »

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