HYMN 538

H.C. 341 (FE 564) L.M
“Ask what I shall give you" - 1King.3:5

1.  AND dost Thou say, Ask what thou wilt? 

     Lord, I would seize the golden hour

     I pray to be released from guilt

     And freed from sin and Satan’s pow’r.

2.  More of Thy presence, Lord, impart 

     More of Thine image let me bear 

     Erect Thy throne within my heart

     And reign without a rival there.

3.  Give me to read my pardon seal’d

     And from Thy joy to draw my strength,

    To have Thy boundless love reveal’d 

    Its height, and depth, its breath and length.

4.  Grant these requests, I ask no more 

     But to Thy care the rest resign

     Living or dying, rich or poor

     All shall be well if Thou art mine.  Amen

Yoruba »

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