S. 230 7S 6s (FE 66)

1.  LOVING Saviour, hear my cry 

     Hear my cry, hear my cry 

     Trembling to Thine arms I fly 

     O save me at the Cross

     I have sinn'd, but Thou hast died 

     Thou hast died, Thou hast died

     In Thy mercy let me hide

     O save me at the Cross! 

Chorus:  Lord Jesus, receive me

               No more would I grieve The 

               Now, blessed Redeemer

              O save me at the Cross!

2.  Tho‘ I perish I will pray

     I will pray, I will pray

     Thou of life the Living Way

     O save me at the Cross!

     Thou hast said Thy grace is free 

     Grace is free, Grace is free, 

     Have compassion, Lord on me 

     O save me at the Cross! 

Chorus:  Lord Jesus, receive me...

3.  Wash me in Thy cleansing blood 

     Cleansing blood, Cleansing blood, 

     Plunge me now beneath the flood 

     O save me at the Cross!

     Only faith will pardon bring 

     Pardon bring, Pardon bring,

     In that faith to Thee l cling

     O save me at the Cross! 

Chorus:  Lord Jesus, receive me...  Amen

Yoruba »

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