HYMN 486

C.M.S 428 H.C 431 S.M (FE 512)
"Let us do good unto all men" - Gal. 6:10

1.  WE give Thee but Thine own 

     Whate‘er the gift may be

     All that we have is Thine alone

     A trust, O Lord, from Thee.

2.  May we Thy bounties Lord

     As steward thus receive 

     And gladly, as Thou blessest us, 

     To Thee our first-fruits give.

3.  O hearts are bruised and dead
     And homes are bare and cold 

     And lambs, for whom the Shepherd bled 

     Are straying from the fold.

4.  To comfort and to bless 

     To find a balm for woe,

     To tend the lone and fatherless 

     Is angels' work below.

5.  The captive to release

     To God the lost to bring

     To teach the way of life and peace, 

     It is a Christ-like thing.

6.  And we believe Thy word 

     Though dim our faith may be 

     Whate'er for Thine we do, O Lord 

     We do it unto Thee.  Amen

Yoruba »

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