HYMN 335

11s (FE 358)
Tune: ‘E ma te siwaju

1.  CHRIST for sin was crucified 

     Nailed on to the cross 

     Groaning in utter grief, 

     Salvation to earn

     His life thus surrendered 

     Our souls to redeem

     Lying still in the sepulcher, 

     Victory thus to earn.

Chorus:  He's risen, He's risen

               Jesus King of life

               He's risen, He's risen

               He's risen today.

2.  Christ Jesus Lord of life taste of death 

     He bore Death and hade ever more 

     shall impotent be Glory give to father 

     for victory o’er death Neutralizing the 

     sting of death unto us sinners.

Chorus:  He's risen, He's risen...

3.  Jesus King, Author of life hath risen to 

     life Jesus Firstborn amongst all who 

     departed Alpha and Omega, beginning 

     and end Thou art the custodian of the 

     key of life and death.

Chorus:  He's risen, He's risen...

4.  Lord in resurrection revive now our souls 

     Quicken us from sinful death to life of truth 

     May we all bequickened, may

     Thine love and peace

     Blossom and flourish here in us, just

     like High above.

Chorus:  He's risen, He's risen...

5.  Christ Jesus Lord of life shut the gate of 

     death Sake of members of the Cherub, 

     Serahim Eternal life our portion, here and

     high above And we shall reign with Lord

     Jesus now and evennore.

Chorus:  He's risen, He's risen

               Jesus King of life

               He's risen, He's risen

               He's risen today.  Amen

Yoruba »

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