E.O. 16, C.M.S 488 6. 6 7. 6. 7. 6.

1.  HOLY, Holy Sabbath

     Thou Art our resting day

     We ought to make up one day 

     The Sabbath of our God

     If other day is mournful 

     Remove our tears O! Lord 

     Thou art a joyful day to us 

     We long to see thy face.

2.  Holy, Holy Sabbath

     No work for us today

     We shall forsake all our works 

     To follow up thy grace

     So lovely as thou an to us 

     Thou most beau‐tiful day

     All other days are toilsome

     A restful days thou art.

3.  Holy, Holy Sabbath

     The tinking bell repeats

     Give to thy maker one day

     To us six days hath given 

     Remember ye the sabbath

     To Church ye all must go 

     Yourself, your friends and people 

     Must go to house of prayer.

4.  Holy, Holy Sabbath

     I love to see thy gate

     A sign of heaven I know thou art 

     The home of Saints above

     O! Lord make me a Heir to

    Thy throne at end of life

    To worship Thee forever

    With all Thy Saints above.  Amen

Yoruba »

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